
My Parents Catholic

My parents are of the Christian faith and today is Good Friday and as dad is Catholic, that means we get to eat fish! I don't have any pictures of the crew because there has been some unbecoming behavior amongst us furr babies. Hissing. But, in my defense, we are talking fish! They are also watching Barabbas (free on YouTube). The staff seems to think it's a good Easter movie.

Hello My Friends Call Me Peachy Mac

 Meowllo, my name is Peaches McMew but my friends call me "Peachy Mac".  The picture below is me as a kitteh.   Th is me on the right, all grown up, taking a cat nap with my "Little Man", in a cat cave made made out of the laundry pile. Daddy loves to make us   cat caves! 😺 Purr. S. I'm on Twitter if you want to be friends there! @ itsPeachyMac btw, I'm just starting to learn this blogging ting.